Email Compliance and Groove Flows

Features that help make sure you and your team are staying compliant with government regulations such as CAN-SPAM

Sanket Karamchandani avatar
Written by Sanket Karamchandani
Updated over a week ago

Why does email compliance matter?

Email compliance is not just a matter of email etiquette. In the US, per CAN-SPAM, promotional emails must tell the recipient how they can unsubscribe from further emails. This is why we have added a few different unsubscribe features to Groove Flow that allow recipients to opt-out of further email communication, with just one mouse click. 

We do this by giving you the option to add an unsubscribe link to Flow emails. If recipients click this link, the SFDC field "Email Opt Out" (this can be customized, see below) on the respective Lead or Contact record will be checked/set to true .

Configuring on the Groove Team Level

Here's how you can make it so all Flow emails coming from a specific Groove team have an unsubscribe link appended to them:

  1. Go here

  2. Click Teams

  3. Create a new team if you don't already have one, or click the arrow next to an existing team.

  4. Check the option Include Unsubscribe Link in emails

Now, all Flow emails this team sends, will have a link that says 'Click here to unsubscribe.'  added to the end of the email.

Configuring For Your Entire Organization

If you would like it so Groove adds an unsubscribe link to all emails sent from Flow in your entire organization, please contact our support team at

Standard vs. Custom Unsubscribe Footer

By default, when using one of the above (team-wide or org-wide) unsubscribe features, Groove provides a standard link at the bottom of emails sent from Flows. When clicked, this will check the "Email Opt Out" field on the contact/lead to true (unless a custom field is specified).

If your company would like to customize/brand the text and layout of the Unsubscribe Footer, you can include a Custom Unsubscribe Footer:

Custom Unsubscribe Footer

  1. Go to Manage My Org > Flow Settings

  2. Customize the Unsubscribe Footer with custom text or HTML, and Save

Enforce Unsubscribe for Flows:

  • If this is toggled ON, then every Flow email sent from your organize will include an unsubscribe link.

  • The unsubscribe link included in each email will either be your custom footer (if you have saved a custom footer), or Groove's standard one (if the custom footer is blank)

  • If this is toggled OFF, then Groove will respect the per-team unsubscribe settings for each of your Groove teams (include unsubscribe link in emails checkbox)

Enforce Unsubscribe for Send with Groove (only applicable to MSFT Outlook customers)

  • If this is toggled ON, then every email sent when clicking "Send with Groove" from your organization will include an unsubscribe link.

  • The unsubscribe link included in each email will either be your custom footer (if you have saved a custom footer), or Groove's standard one (if the custom footer is blank)

  • If this is toggled OFF, then Groove will respect the per-team unsubscribe settings for each of your Groove teams (include unsubscribe link in emails sent with Groove)

**Additional Information**

When using a custom unsubscribe footer with links, you may want to direct your recipients to an unsubscribe landing page on your own website/application, which you can simply include as links in the above editor. However, if you'd like to preserve Groove's opt-out functionality (update the "Email Opt Out" or custom field to true when the recipient clicks the opt out link), you can include the following merge field in your Custom Unsubscribe Footer within a URL: {!groove_unsubscribe_link}

Adding on a Per Template Basis

You can also have people add an unsubscribe link to their templates, by having them add the following merge field: {!Unsubscribe.Click here to unsubscribe.}

You can also customize the text of the link shown to the recipient if you'd like, for example your merge field may look like the following: {!Unsubscribe.Opt out of communication from Cloudgizmos Software}

Flow Protections

Groove also prevents people from sending Flow emails to any Lead/Contact that has the 'Email Opt Out' field in Salesforce checked/set to true. This helps keep your company compliant and makes it so you don't frustrate anyone who asked to not be contacted by you anymore.

Using a Custom Opt Out Field

Sometimes, another team or application will be using the standard email opt out field in SFDC, and in that case you may want to have Groove use a different field for managing email opt outs.

Groove can be configured to look at and update any custom checkbox field in Salesforce. If this checkbox is checked, Groove will prevent users from sending Flow emails to these individuals.

When a lead/contact clicks on an unsubscribe link in one of your users emails, Groove will attempt to update that same checkbox and check it.

To get a custom opt out field set up, please email with the API name of your custom checkbox field on leads and contacts (note, these names can be the same or different).

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