Groove Teams

Add users to teams to increase collaboration and view analytics by team

Sanket Karamchandani avatar
Written by Sanket Karamchandani
Updated over a week ago

Groove teams help you get the most out of Groove, from an efficiency standpoint for sharing content, as well as for reporting and gaining insight on each team's results.

How to create a Groove Team

  1. Click here

  2. Click New Team

  3. To add users to a team, either search for them individually, or add multiple at a time from your Users page.

Team Settings

Accounts Relevant to this team

Based on the checkboxes you select, the users on this team will see matching accounts on their Accounts Page.


  1. Standard users and analysts can create Flows: By default, all Groove users can create and use Flows. If you disable this, standard users and analysts on this team would not be able to create or copy any Flows; they would still be able to import and use flows, as well as edit them if they are given edit access.

  2. Include unsubscribe link in emails: Automatically include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every Flow email sent out by anyone on this team. If a prospect clicks the unsubscribe link in an email, the Email Opt Out field in Salesforce will be turned to true and the person will be blocked from being sent any further Flow emails. 

Sharing, Collaboration, and Analytics

Groove teams give you and the users on those teams much more flexibility and a more comprehensive experience on the platform.

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