
Groove Templates

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1/16/2025, 7:29 PM
1/16/2025, 7:30 PM

Groove Templates

Creating a great Template is fundamental to getting your prospect's attention. Let's learn how to create your first Template in Groove.


To get started, go to Templates in the Groove web app. You'll see all your Templates and Templates that have been shared with you. 


Click "+ New" in the top right corner to create a new Template or Template folder:




Note: You can also create and use your Templates directly from your inbox.


Now, read on to learn about the types of Templates you can choose to create: 



Email Templates

To start, choose the folder you'd like this Template to be in. Then, name your Template something relevant so that you can find it when using it later.


Hint: You can share Template folders with your teammates.



Personalize your Templates with Merge Fields

When composing Templates, merge fields are a great way to personalize your emails based on information already stored in Salesforce.


Merge fields in Groove allow you to pull in virtually any field from Salesforce that is specific to the person you're reaching out to. This includes first name, title, company name, and much more. Click on the {!...} icon to see available fields from Salesforce.


You can also use merge fields in the subject line of your email Template, by inserting it into the body of the Template and cutting/pasting it into the subject line.


Add Links, Images, Files, Videos



Tip: Use Groove's integration with Vidyard to supplement a concise explanation of your product with a short video that goes into more detail, or a customer testimonial video to gain credibility. To use your company's Vidyard, click their logo and sign in: 



Custom HTML in Templates

If you'd like to include custom HTML in your Templates to give them some more flavor:


  1. Click the more (3 dot) from the editing bar
  2. Then click the <> icon
  3. Once you're done with your HTML, you must click the code view <> icon again before you Save the Template in order to save your work.


Send yourself a sample email of your Template

You can click the "paper airplane" icon above the Template if you'd like to review what your Template looks like when it's sent out.  This will send a copy of the Template to the email address you have connected to Groove so that you can review the formatting, images, and appearance of your Template from your inbox.  


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Call Templates

These are especially helpful for noting out a few points that you want to make sure you hit while making calls through flows. You can add formatting, bold parts that you don't want to forget, and even add merge fields to personalize your script for your prospect.


Save your Template when you're done.



SMS Templates

SMS Templates allow you to seamlessly and efficiently send texts to prospects within a flow.


Click the merge fields button at the top of the text window to add personalization to your Template by adopting the same syntax as other Templates {!...}. Example: {!firstname} will insert the person's first name into your Template when sent.


Note: SMS Templates are only supported in plain text due to the nature of SMS.



LinkedIn InMail and Connect Templates

LinkedIn Templates can be used in Flows to send a more personal touch within your sales process. We recommend that you personalize and target LinkedIn Flow steps as much as possible.


Use merge fields just like described in the SMS Templates section above. 


Tip: The Type field on the Template will determine the type of activity that gets logged back to Salesforce from a Flow.


Other Template Types

You probably got the hang of how Template editing works now! You can also create Task Templates, In-Person Visit Templates, LinkedIn Connection, and Sendoso Templates using a similar editing window outlined in the sections above. 


How To Delete, Rename, or Share Templates

Any user can delete their own Template Folders and Templates that they created.  Once deleted, Template Folders and Templates cannot be restored, so be sure to only delete Templates that you no longer need.  


To Delete a Template Folder: 


  1. Go to Templates
  2. Click the 3 dots on to the right of the Template Folder you want to delete, and click Delete


Note: Deleting a Template Folder will also delete all the Templates that are saved within that Folder.  If you want to delete the Template Folder but retain the Templates within it, save the Templates to a different Template Folder first. 


If you want to Share or Rename the Template Folder, select the option you want.


Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 12.00.38 PM.png


To Delete an Individual Template:


  1. Click into the Template you want to delete
  2. Click the "trash can" icon above the Template


If you want to edit or copy the Template, click on the "page" or "pencil" icons, respectively.  


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Additional Settings for Editing and Deleting Templates

Groove has settings that enable users with certain Groove Roles extra permissions to Templates that they do not own.


View All Templates and Flows

Certain Roles can View, Edit, Share Out, and Delete any Template that has been created in your org, even if it's not their own Template or a Template that has been directly shared with them. To select which Roles can do this, Admin can enable the "View all Flows and Templates" setting per Groove Role.


Go to Manage My Org > Flow Settings to enable "View All Flows and Templates" (or enable other settings for different roles): 



If the "View All Flows and Templates" setting is enabled for the "Admin" and/or "Analyst" Roles, any users who have that Role can view and delete any Template with the instructions in the section above. 


If this setting is enabled for the "Team Lead" Role, any users with that Role will only be able to view and delete Templates that were created by users who are assigned to the same Groove Team as them.  



  • If you want a user to be able to Edit, Share Out, and Delete any Flow or Template that has been directly shared with them, then enable the "Edit all Flows and Templates" feature for that user's Groove Role instead. 
  • If a user leaves a company, and you wish to transfer their Templates, contact the Clari support team.
Groove Templates

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