You probably got the hang of how Template editing works now! You can also create Task Templates, In-Person Visit Templates, LinkedIn Connection, and Sendoso Templates using a similar editing window outlined in the sections above.
How To Delete, Rename, or Share Templates
Any user can delete their own Template Folders and Templates that they created. Once deleted, Template Folders and Templates cannot be restored, so be sure to only delete Templates that you no longer need.
To Delete a Template Folder:
- Go to Templates
- Click the 3 dots on to the right of the Template Folder you want to delete, and click Delete
Note: Deleting a Template Folder will also delete all the Templates that are saved within that Folder. If you want to delete the Template Folder but retain the Templates within it, save the Templates to a different Template Folder first.
If you want to Share or Rename the Template Folder, select the option you want.
To Delete an Individual Template:
- Click into the Template you want to delete
- Click the "trash can" icon above the Template
If you want to edit or copy the Template, click on the "page" or "pencil" icons, respectively.
Additional Settings for Editing and Deleting Templates
Groove has settings that enable users with certain Groove Roles extra permissions to Templates that they do not own.
View All Templates and Flows
Certain Roles can View, Edit, Share Out, and Delete any Template that has been created in your org, even if it's not their own Template or a Template that has been directly shared with them. To select which Roles can do this, Admin can enable the "View all Flows and Templates" setting per Groove Role.
Go to Manage My Org > Flow Settings to enable "View All Flows and Templates" (or enable other settings for different roles):
If the "View All Flows and Templates" setting is enabled for the "Admin" and/or "Analyst" Roles, any users who have that Role can view and delete any Template with the instructions in the section above.
If this setting is enabled for the "Team Lead" Role, any users with that Role will only be able to view and delete Templates that were created by users who are assigned to the same Groove Team as them.