Groove Conversations

Record, transcribe, and analyze every sales call for insights and visibility that drive deals to close.

Amanda Jaramillo avatar
Written by Amanda Jaramillo
Updated over a week ago

Groove Conversations allows users to record and review Zoom meetings and OmniDialer calls from the Groove WebApp and Omnibar. In this article, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Access recordings in Groove Conversations

  2. Associate Conversations to activities in Salesforce

  3. Analyze keyword and talk time analytics

  4. Share Conversations internally and externally

How it works

Groove Conversations captures all Zoom cloud recordings and OmniDialer recordings and brings them into Groove, where they can be accessed via the Web App or Omnibar. Once a recording is ready, you will see it in the list of recordings — sorted chronologically.

Clicking on a recording will open the playback screen where you will be able to watch the recording and follow along with the transcript and analytics.

Note for Zoom Meetings: For Zoom Meetings, if you do not record to the cloud, your call will not be accessible via Groove Conversations.

Accessing Groove Conversations

Access Groove Conversations wherever you’re working. If you’re in the Groove Web Application, find it in the toolbar on the left side of the App.

Viewing Recordings

Index of all Recordings

  • View the Event Name, Participants, Date, Account/Status, and Meeting Owner

  • Search meeting names

  • Use the user/team filter to find specific meetings you’d like to view

  • Click on the participants or account to open Omnibar

Transcript playback

  • Transcripts will auto-scroll with the video, as it plays.

  • Search the transcript for any keyword

  • Click on a specific time in the transcript to jump to that point in the video

Omnibar Playback

Whenever a conversation is associated with an event in Salesforce, you can find it under the activity history of any records related to that event (contacts, accounts, and opportunities/cases/custom object). Click on the Conversations icon to the right of the event to open the recording right from where you are.

Activity Relation

For every conversation that happens, Groove will search for and associate with the relevant event or call from Salesforce. Once the recording is associated, you will see all the relevant data (participants / account / status) once clicked.


Talk Time

Talk Time analytics will track the percentage of the conversation that each person spent talking. Ex. If talk time is split evenly between 4 people, each person has 25% talk time.

Keyword Analytics

Clicking on each category will show which keywords within that category were mentioned, and clicking on the keyword will perform a search of that word or phrase in the transcript. Categories are shown when there is at least 1 mention of a keyword within that category.

Keyword categories and keywords are set in Manage My Org by a Groove admin.


Sharing is possible internally and externally. In order to share a meeting, you must be the Meeting Owner. These settings are controlled by your Groove Admin.

Internal Sharing

Internal sharing is dependent on your organization’s Access Control. If the Access Control is set to the Organization setting, all conversations are available for all users and there is no sharing setting shown. To share a conversation internally, use the Conversation URL.

If the Access Control is set to either Team or Individual, the sharing setting will be shown to the Meeting Owner.

External Sharing

External Sharing is possible for all conversations, as long as you are the Meeting Owner.

In order to share, click on the Share Externally button and copy the link generated to access that conversation outside of your Groove organization. By default, the link will be available to access for 30 days from the time of sharing, but you can click on the date to update it to any date you’d like within a year of the share date.

Click on the ‘revoke link’ button to kill the link so that the conversation is no longer accessible.

Groove Conversations allows users to record and review Zoom meetings and transcripts right within Groove.

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