Groove Conversations Salesforce Reporting

How to report in Salesforce with Groove Conversations Data

Aamir Peeran avatar
Written by Aamir Peeran
Updated over a week ago

With Groove Conversations, you can report on those Conversations in Salesforce for some great insights.

Once you have Groove Conversations, the Conversations object in your Salesforce is created. This object is a custom object and contains the following information:

  • Name of Conversation: What event or task did this Conversation record?

  • Host User: The Groove user who recorded the Conversation

  • Duration: The duration (in seconds) of how long the recording was

  • Type: What type of Conversation was it? Zoom, or OmniDialer

  • Keywords: The keywords mentioned on this Conversation, these are ranked in order of times mentioned

  • Talk Time: The host user’s talk time in a percentage

  • Lead: The Leads that attended this Conversation. You will be able to create a related list of Conversations on the Leads records as well.

  • Opportunity: The Opportunity this Conversation is associated too. You will be able to create a related list of Conversations on the Opportunity records as well.

  • Account: The Account this Conversation is associated too. You will be able to create a related list of Conversations on the Account records as well.

Additionally, with the new custom object, there is a new custom report type automatically generated for the Conversations object. With that report type, you can create some reports to help you understand how your team’s meetings are going.

Example Reports:

  • Conversations that mention Competitors

    • Utilize the keywords field to narrow down which competitors are being mentioned

  • Team Average Talk Time Percentage

    • Utilize the talk time percentage field to see the average talk time of your team, and each member of your team

Coming Soon

There are additional items coming soon to the Conversations object, these will supercharge reporting and bring the most out of your recorded Conversations.

  • Contact: The Contacts that attended this Conversation. You will be able to create a related list of Conversations on the Contact records as well.

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