Groove Outcomes

Jump into the metrics to truly understand the effectiveness of Flows!

Elijah Ezeji-Okoye avatar
Written by Elijah Ezeji-Okoye
Updated over a week ago

Groove Outcomes is designed to give reps deep insight into the performance of their Flows, so they can optimize around what’s working and improve their effectiveness over time. Mastering Groove Outcomes will help users understand how each Flow-step and Flow-step type drives success for their business.

From the Groove Outcomes page, you can dig into how Flows and individual Flow Steps are playing into your outreach efforts. Use Groove Outcomes to view the performance of your Flows in the following breakdowns:

Groove Outcomes populates with new data at the top of the hour. The data in Groove Outcomes only encompasses active Flows and active Flow Steps; deleted Flows and deleted Flow steps are not included in Outcomes.

Update to the Definition of "Opportunities Created"

On July 26, 2023, the logic with which Opportunities Created is determined will change. The default definition will be:

  • Activity History Attribution: The number of Opportunities created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector at Accounts where at least one Contact has completed at least one Flow step under the management of a user in the Team Selector. The Opportunity must have been created within 30 days of the Flow Step being completed. The requirements for Opportunities are as follows:

    • Any contact at Account has completed at least 1 Flow Step

    • The Opportunity was created in the Account within 30 days of Flow Step being completed

You can change how this opportunity metric is calculated by reaching out to your CSM. The alternative calculation options are:

  • Contact Role Attribution, which was the default prior to July 18, 2023: The number of Contact Roles and Primary Contacts that have been created on an Opportunity within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts who have completed at least one Flow step under the management of a user in the Team Selector. The requirements for Opportunities are as follows:

    • The Contact has completed at least 1 Flow Step

    • A Contact Role or Primary Contact was created on Opportunity after Flow Step completed

  • Contact Role & Opportunity Creator: The number of Contact Roles that have been created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts who have completed at least one Flow Step under the management of a user in the Team Selector. In order for an Opportunity to count under this definition, the managing Flow user must also be the Opportunity Creator. The requirements for Opportunities are as follows:

    • The Contact has completed at least 1 Flow Step

    • The Contact Role was created on Opportunity after Flow Step completed

    • The user managing the Contact in the Flow is also the Opportunity Creator

  • Contact Role, Opportunity Creator & Contact Removed: The number of Opportunities that have been created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts who have either completed, or been removed from, a Flow under the management of a user in the Team Selector. In order for an Opportunity to count under this definition, the managing Flow user must also be the Opportunity Creator and have created the Opportunity within 45 days of the Contact completing or being removed from the Flow. The requirements for Opportunities are as follows:

    • The Contact has completed, or been removed, from the Flow

    • A Contact Role exists on the Opportunity

    • The Opportunity was created within 45 days of the Contact completing, or being removed from, the Flow

    • The user managing the Contact in the Flow is also the Opportunity Creator

One year's worth of data will be backfilled from July 26, 2023 for the new default definition. If your team would like your Opportunity Created definition to be different from the Activity History Attribution default, please reach out to your CSM.

💡 Looking for strategies for leveraging this data? Read our blog: Boost B2B Sales Performance with These Top Sales Flow Metrics

Filtering Groove Outcomes

The data shown in Groove Outcomes is determined by the criteria specified in the Team Selector and Date Selector. Filter your Outcomes page to narrow and expand the user range and timeframe for which you'd like to view the performance of your Flows.

Team Selector

In each section of the Outcomes page, you can select individual users, teams, or a combination of both to drill into your Flows. This feature enables you to compare metrics across any grouping of team members.

If you do not have Groove Teams set up yet, we recommend creating teams and assigning Roles, so that team leads can easily review their teams' Flow usage.

Date Selector

In each section of the Outcomes page, you can also customize the date range represented in the data that's being shown.

All-Flows View

The All-Flows view of Outcomes is intended to give you insight into Flow usage and performance for the users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector. This page can offer richer insight into Flow performance than is available in the Flows tab of Analytics, highlighting which Flows are yielding the most successes and which could use some tinkering to bolster their efficacy.

Flow Analytics

The top row of Flow Analytics offers a bird’s eye view into the performance of all the Flows that have been actioned on by users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector. These metrics can help elucidate how Flows across your org are being utilized by the selected users.

Active Flows: The total number of Flows that contained active and/or “due” participants at some doing during the timeframe specified in the Date Selector and were not archived or deleted during the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

People Started in Flows: The total number of Contacts and Leads who were imported into a Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector and completed at least one Step in the Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

People Completed Flows: The percentage of all the Contacts and Leads that were imported into Flows under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that completed every Step in a Flow and finished the last Step of the Flow.

Steps Completed: The total number of Flow Steps that were completed by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Steps Skipped: The total number of Flow Steps that were skipped by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Top Performances

The Top Performances “Flows” section provides a visual summary of how Flows and Flow Steps are being actioned on, producing successes, and producing exits within the timeframe specified in the Date Filters. This chart enables you to glean which Flows and Step Types are comparatively resulting in the most successes.


The Top Performances "Flows" chart offers users a visual glimpse into which Flows are resulting in the most successes. This chart will display the ten Flows with the highest number of successes that were actioned on by users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. If there are not ten Flows with successes that meet the filtering criteria, the remaining Flows that surface are chosen alphabetically.

Completed: The total number of Flow Steps that were completed in each Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Exited: The total number of Flow participants under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector that were removed from their respective Flow(s) within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Successes: The total number of Contacts or Leads for which a meeting has been booked, a positive conversation has been logged, or an Opportunity has been created for each Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Step Types

The Top Performances “Step Type” chart offers visual insight into how the various step types included within your org’s Flows are translating into successes and exits relative to completions. Each Step Type that has been actioned on by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector should show up in the bar chart. Auto-send email steps are combined with manual-send email steps in this Flow Step summary.

Completed: The total number of Flow Steps of each type that were completed by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Exited: The total number of Contacts and Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector that exited the respective Flows after completing each Flow Step type within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. The Step type to which each exit is attributed is that which the Flow participant last completed.

Successes: The total number of Contacts or Leads for which a meeting has been booked, a positive conversation has been logged, or an opportunity has been created for each Flow Step type within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

All Flows Table

The All Flows metrics can be used to numerically understand how each Flow is performing in the timeframe selected in the date filter across a variety of metrics. Users can sort the table by whatever column they like in order to view a list of their Flows according to specific metrics.

Flow Name: The names of each Flow that was executed on by the user(s) included within the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Steps Completed: The total number of Flow Steps completed in each Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove has detected from the emails sent from each Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. A single Flow email being opened multiple times will contribute proportionally to this tally.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks that Groove has detected from the link tracking-enabled emails sent from the Flow(s) actioned on by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector. Repeat clicks of the same link within a Flow email should contribute proportionately toward this tally.

Replied: The total number of replies that Groove has detected to emails sent from each Flow actioned on by the user(s) included within the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. Multiple replies to the same Flow email will not count proportionately to this tally as the Replied field in Salesforce is a checkbox field.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings booked within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that were generated as the result of a Flow action by a user included in the Team Selector. Meetings booked are attributed to the Flow in which the participant most recently completed a Flow step. Meetings count toward this metric if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed a Flow step by a user included in the Team Selector regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in a Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of Call Steps that were completed within a Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that were logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org).

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities that were created from each Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

💡 Looking for strategies for leveraging this data? Read our blog: Boost B2B Sales Performance with These Top Sales Flow Metrics

Flow Drill Down

By clicking on a Flow from within the Top Performances chart or the All Flows Table, you can drill deeper into the performance on one specific Flow. From within the Flow Drill-down page, you can identify which Steps within the selected Flow are resulting in outcomes as well as break down the Flow metrics on a by step, by user, by account, and by contact basis.

To navigate to the Flow Drill Down page, click on the Outcomes for one of the Flows displayed in the Flows Top Performances chart or select a Flow from the All Flows table. Once on the Flow Drill-down page, you can toggle between your Flows by using the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner.

Flow Analytics

The top row of Flow Analytics offer a quick overview into the performance of the selected Flow among the user(s) included in the user/team filter within the timeframe selected in the date filter.

People Started in Flows: The total number of Contacts of Leads who were newly imported into and completed at least one step in the selected Flow under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

People Completed Flows: The total number of Contacts and Leads that were imported into the selected Flow under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that completed every Step of the Flow and finished the last Step of the Flow.

Steps Completed: The total number of Flow Steps completed in the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector.

Steps Completed on Time: The percentage of all Flow Steps completed in the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector on or before the day they were marked "due".

Steps Skipped: The total number of Flow Steps that were skipped in the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Flow By Steps

The Flow by Steps chart offers visualization into how each Step within the selected Flow was acted upon. From the chart, users can see how many Contacts completed each Flow step, along with which Flow steps are breaking off into Outcomes, be they successes or exits.

Completed: The total number of Contacts and Leads who completed each step in the selected Flow under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Exited: The total number of Contacts and Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector who exited the selected Flow after the completion of each Step within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector. Exits will break off from the last Flow step a participant had completed in the selected Flow.

Successes: The total number of meetings booked, positive conversations, and Opportunities created following each Flow Step of the selected Flow for the Contacts and Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. Successes will break off from the last Flow step a participant had completed in the selected Flow.

All Steps

The "All Steps" breakdown enables you to understand the performance of the Flow you have selected according to four different levels of granularity.

By Steps

The By Steps breakdown of the All Steps table offers insight into the performance of the selected Flow on the Flow Step-level, allowing you to identify which steps are producing the most desirable results and which ones may merit some enhancement.

Step Name: The name (day number, type, and template name) of each Step within the selected Flow.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove detected from the emails originating from each (manual- or auto-send) email Step in the selected Flow that were sent by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks Groove detected from the link tracking-enabled emails originating from each (manual- or auto-send) email Step in the selected Flow that were sent by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Replied: The total number of replies Groove has detected for each (manual- and auto-send) email Step in the selected Flow that was sent by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector.

Personalization: The average percentage of difference between the emails sent and the template used to create the (manual- or auto-send) emails originating from each Step in the selected Flow that were sent by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. The percentage of different is calculated using the Levenshtein Distance formula.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings that were created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts or Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Date Selector that were attributed back to each Step in the selected Flow. Meetings booked are attributed to the Flow Step that a participant most recently completed at your org. Meetings count toward this metric if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed a Flow step by a user included in the Team Selector regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in a Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of positive conversations created for Contacts and Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that have been attributed back to each Step in the selected Flow. For a call to count as a “positive conversation”, a Call Step in a Flow to a participant under the management of a user included within the Team Selector must have been logged through the OmniDialer or other Groove functionality with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org) within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector.

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities that were created for the Contacts and Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector that have been attributed back to each Step in the selected Flow. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

Templates Used: The total number of unique Groove Templates that were used by the user(s) included in the Team Selector to complete each Step in the selected Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

By Users

The "By Users" breakdown of the All Steps table offers insight into the performance of the selected Flow on the User-level, allowing you to identify users whose actions from the Flow could be used as best practices and which users' prospecting may need some refinement.

Name: The names of each of the users included in the user/team filter.

People Added: The total number of Contacts and Leads under the management of each user included in the Team Selector who were added into the selected Flow step within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector.

Steps Completed on Time: The total number of Flow steps that each user included in the Team Selector completed in the selected Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Skipped: The total number of Flow Steps that each user included in the Team Selector skipped in the selected Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove detected from the emails originating from the (manual- or auto-send) email Steps that were completed by each user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks Groove detected from the link tracking-enabled (manual- and auto-send) emails sent from the selected Flow by each user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Replied: The total number of replies Groove has detected for each (manual- and auto-send) email Step in the selected Flow sent by each user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Personalization: The average rate of difference between the emails sent and the templates used to create the emails in the selected Flow for each user within the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector. The percentage of different is calculated using the Levenshtein Distance formula.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings that were created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts or Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector that were attributed back to each user using the selected Flow. Meetings booked are attributed to the user managing the a Contact or Lead's participation in the Flow in which that participant most recently completed a Flow step. Meetings count toward this metric if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed a Flow step by a user included in the Team Selector regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in a Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of positive conversations each user included in the Team Selector created for Contacts and Leads in the selected Flows within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. For a call to count as a “positive conversation”, a Call Step in the Flow to participant under the management of a user included within the Team Selector must have been logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org) within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities that each user included in the Team Selector created for the Contacts and Leads under their management in the selected Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

Templates Used: The total number of distinct, active templates each user included in the Team Selector used in the selected Flow within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

By Accounts

The "By Account" breakdown of the All Steps table offers insight into the performance of the selected Flow on the Account-level, allowing you to identify how outreach to Contacts at different Accounts is going in the selected Flow. From this chart, you can identify with which Accounts they are gaining the most traction and which may deserve some amended outreach efforts.

Account: The names of the Accounts whose Contacts have been touched through the selected Flow by at least one user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector. This value is pulled directly from the Account Name field in Salesforce.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove has detected from the emails sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks Groove detected from the link tracking-enabled Flow emails sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Replied: The total number of replies Groove has detected to the emails sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings that were created with Contacts at each Account within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector as a result of the selected Flow. Meetings booked will only contribute toward this count if the Contact’s last-completed Flow Step at your org was executed in the selected Flow managed by one of the users included in the Team Selector. Meetings count toward this metric if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed a Flow Step by a user included in the Team Selector regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in the selected Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of positive conversations that were logged for the Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. For a call to count as a “positive conversation”, a Call Step in the selected Flow to a participant must have been logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org)

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities created for the Contacts at each Account by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

By Contacts

The "By Contact" breakdown of the All Steps table offers insight into how Flow outreach to specific Contacts in the selected Flow is progressing. From this table, you can identify with which Contacts your team's Flow efforts are most influential and which may need some revised outreach efforts.

Contact: The name of each Contact who has completed at least one Step in the selected Flow under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Account: The name of the Account to which each Contact corresponds. This value pulls from the Account Name field in Salesforce.

Title: The value, when not null, in the Title field on each of the Contacts’ Salesforce records.

Status: An indication of where each Contact currently is in their Flow progression. The values for this column include “Completed” or “Removed".

O/C/R: The number of email Opens, link Clicks (only applicable when link tracking is enabled in the Flow step), and Replies Groove has detected from Flow email communications to each Contact who completed at least one Step in the selected Flow under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Meetings Booked: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether Groove has detected that any meetings have been booked with each the selected Contacts as a result of the selected Flow. Meetings booked will only contribute toward this metric if the Contact’s last-completed Step at your org was executed in the selected Flow under the management of a user included in the Team Selector, regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in the selected Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether any of the Call Steps to each Contact in the selected Flow were logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org) by a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector.

Opportunities Created: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether Groove has detected any new Opportunities created for each Contact as a result of the selected Flow. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

Managed By: The name of the user who is managing each Contact in the selected Flow.

💡 Looking for strategies for leveraging this data? Read our blog: Boost B2B Sales Performance with These Top Sales Flow Metrics

Step Drill Down

By clicking on a Flow Step from within the Flow by Steps chart, you can drill deeper into the metrics on that specific Flow. The Step Drill-down page uncovers how the selected Step in the Selected Flow has performed under the management of the users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. You can utilize this page to understand what types of outcomes the Step is producing in tandem with viewing more general metrics for the selected Flow Step.

To navigate to the Step Drill Down page, click on one of the Flow Steps displayed on the Flow Drill Down page, whether from the Flows by Step chart or the "By Steps" view of the All Steps Chart.

Flow Analytics

The top row of Flow Analytics offers some high-level insight into how the selected Flow Step has been acted on by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

People Added: The total number of Contacts and Leads under the management of a user included in the Team Selector who were added into the selected Flow step within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector.

People Completed Step: The percentage of the People Added to the selected Flow Step who completed the selected Step under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Completed: The total number of Flow participants who were added to and completed the selected Flow step under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. The Completed count divided by the People Added count should correspond with the percentage in the People Completed Step count.

Skipped: The total number of participants who were added to the selected Flow Step that ended up being skipped through the Step by one of the users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Step Outcomes

The Step Outcomes chart displays a visual representation of the Successes that have been attributed to the selected Flow step, enabling you to understand how the selected Step is generating value.

Meetings Booked: The total number of Salesforce Event records Groove has attributed back to the selected Flow step. In order for a meeting to be attributed to this Flow Step, Groove must detect that a new Event has been created with a Contact or Lead whose last-completed Flow Step across the org was the selected Step under the management of one of the users included in the Team Selector. The Salesforce Event record must have been created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector; however, the user listed on the Event record need not be the same user as the one who is managing the participant in the Flow.

Positive Conversations: The total number of Positive Conversations that resulted from the selected Flow Step. A Flow Step can qualify as a Positive Conversation if it was a Call Step completed within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector by a user included in the Team Selector that was logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org).

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts and Leads whose last-completed Flow Step was the selected Flow Step under the management of a user included in the Team Selector. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).


The Flow Step breakdown table enables you to drill into the metrics for the selected Flow Step at three different levels of granularity. With this table, you can identify how outreach originating from this Flow Step is performing, and understand where adjustment may be needed.

By User

The "By User" breakdown of the Step Breakdown table enables the you to identify how the selected Flow Step is performing on a per-user basis during the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. With this information, you user can interpret which user(s) may have best practices to share on using the selected Flow Step as well as identifying which user(s) may need to pivot in their use of the Step.

Name: The names of each of the users included in the Team Selector.

People Added: The total number of Flow participants each user included in the Team Selector added into the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Steps Completed On Time: The total number of times each user included in the Team Selector completed the selected Flow step before it became on or before the day it was marked as "due" within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Skipped: The total number of times each user included in the Team Selector skipped a participant through the selected Flow Step within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove detected from the emails each user included in the Team Selector sent from the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks Groove detected from any link tracking-enabled emails sent by each user included in the Team Selector from the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Replied: The total number of replies Groove has detected to the emails sent from the selected Flow step by each user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Personalization: The average rate of difference between the template used in the selected Flow Step and the emails that users included in the Team Selector sent from from the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector. The percentage of different is calculated using the Levenshtein Distance formula.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings that were created within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector for Contacts or Leads under the management of the user(s) included in the Team Selector that were attributed back to the selected Flow Step. Meetings booked are attributed to the user managing the Flow in which the participant most recently completed a Flow Step. Meetings count toward this Flow Step's metrics if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed the selected Flow Step while being managed by a user included in the Team Selector, regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in a Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of positive conversations each user included in the Team Selector created for Contacts and Leads in the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector For a call to count as a “positive conversation”, the call must have originated from a Call Step and have been logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org).

Opportunities Created: The total number of new Opportunities for the Contacts and Leads whose last completed Flow Step was the selected Step and who were under the Flow management of one of the users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

Templates Used: The total number of unique Groove Templates each user included in the Team Selector used to complete the selected Flow Step within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

By Account

The “By Account” breakdown of the Step Breakdown table enables you to identify how the selected Flow Step is performing on a per-Account basis during the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. With this information, the you can determine which Accounts are engaging most with outreach originating from this Flow Step and which Accounts may merit some revised outreach efforts.

Account: The names of the Accounts whose Contacts have been touched through the selected Flow Step by at least one user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified by the Date Selector. This value is pulled directly from the Account Name field in Salesforce.

Opened: The total number of email opens Groove has detected from the Flow emails sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow Step by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Clicked: The total number of link clicks Groove detected from the link tracking-enabled Flow emails sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow Step by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Replied: The total number of replies Groove has detected for each Flow email sent to Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow Step by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Meetings Booked: The total number of meetings that were created with Contacts at each Account within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector, and were associated back to the selected Flow Step. Meetings booked will only contribute toward this count if the Contact’s last-completed Flow Step was the selected Flow Step and was done under the management of one of the users included in the Team Selector. Meetings count toward this metric if the attendee on the meeting most recently completed the selected Flow Step by a user included in the Team Selector, regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record. The Flow participant must have completed at least one step in a Flow prior to a meeting being booked with them for the meeting to count toward this metric.

Positive Conversations: The total number of positive conversations that were logged for Contacts at each Account from the selected Flow Step under the management of one of the users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. For a call to count as a “positive conversation”, a Call Step in a Flow to a participant must have been logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org).

Opportunities Created: The total number of Opportunities created for the Contacts at each Account by the user(s) included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector that were attributed to the selected Flow Step. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

By Contacts

The “By Contacts” breakdown of the Flow Step table enables you to better understand how the Contacts that have been touched through the selected Flow step by users included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector are engaging with that Flow outreach. With this information, you can identify where your outreach to certain Contacts is making an impact and which Contacts may need more attention.

Contact: The name of each Contact who has completed the selected Step under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe selected in the Date Selector. This value is pulled directly from the Name field in Salesforce.

Account: The name of the Account to which each Contact corresponds. This value pulls from the Account Name field in Salesforce.

Title: The value, when not null, in the Title field on each of the Contact's Salesforce records.

Status: An indication of how each Contact progressed through the selected Flow Step. The values for this column include “Completed” or "Removed".

O/C/R: The number of email Opens, link Clicks (only applicable when link tracking is enabled in the Flow Step), and Replies Groove has detected from email communications to each Contact who completed the selected Flow Step under the management of a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector.

Meetings Booked: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether Groove has detected that any meetings have been booked with each the Contacts as a result of the selected Flow Step. Meetings booked will only contribute toward this metric if the Contact had last-completed the selected Step under the management of one of the users included in the Team Selector, regardless of the Groove user listed as the organizer on the corresponding Salesforce Event record, before the meeting was booked.

Positive Conversations: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether the Call (if applicable) placed to each Contact from the selected Flow was logged with a positive sentiment result (per the call sentiment mapping your org has configured in Manage My Org) by a user included in the Team Selector within the timeframe specified in the Date Selector. This field can only show a “Yes” value if the selected Flow step is a Call Step. Otherwise, it would be expected that this field shows a “No” value.

Opportunities Created: A nominal, “Yes” or “No” indication of whether Groove has detected any created new Opportunities created for each Contact as a result of the selected Flow Step. An Opportunity is considered as having been created based on your org's configuration for Activity History Attribution, Contact Role Attribution, or Contact Role & Opportunity attribution (see here).

Managed By: The name of the user who is managing each Contact in the Flow whose Step is being viewed.

Downloading Data from Outcomes

On each section of the Outcomes page, you also have the option of exporting up to one year’s worth of that tab’s data for the users selected in the Team Selector by clicking the “Download CSV” button. This data will be delivered to the email address you are signed into Groove with as a CSV within roughly 15 minutes of the the download being initiated.

Omnibar in Outcomes

Don’t miss out on key Salesforce data while reviewing your team’s performance! When you click on an entity in Outcomes that references a specific Account, Contact, or Lead, the Omnibar will pull up your Groove View for that Salesforce record.

You can leverage any of the Omnibar’s functionality right within Outcomes so that you don’t have to change pages to view Activity History, jot down Groove Notes, create new OmniActions, and so on.

Start viewing your and/or your team's Outcomes here!

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