Setup the Groove Chrome Extension

Installation & Troubleshooting guide for your Groove extension

Sanket Karamchandani avatar
Written by Sanket Karamchandani
Updated over a week ago

Groove's Chrome extension powers key features for G-Suite and Microsoft 365 users, that are meant to unlock your productivity and streamline your workflows so that you can focus on what you do best - closing deals.

Setup: key things to note

  • A Groove core license is required to use the Chrome extension. If you do not yet have a license assigned, please reach out to your admin

  • When signing in, you connect your email account (Google or Microsoft) and your Salesforce account to the extension

  • If your company uses an SSO solution (such as Okta) to login, you will be prompted to enter your SSO credentials when logging in

  • You may sign into a Salesforce Sandbox for testing. You can switch which Salesforce account you are connected to at any time within your settings

  • If your admin updates your settings, you can "Refresh View" in your Omnibar to make sure you have the latest setup:

Troubleshooting Common Issues with your Groove extension

How to make sure you're on the latest Chrome extension:

  1. Right click on your Groove extension, and choose "Manage Extension"

  2. Toggle on "Developer Mode" on the top right of your screen

  3. Choose "Update" on the left hand side of the screen

  4. Open your Omnibar, click the 3 dots at the top right, choose 'Health Check', then sign out and reconnect

If you're running into any of the following issues, please make sure to update to the latest version:

  1. Gmail loading slowly

    1. Note: we have input several fixes for this issue, and are continuing to make additional updates

  2. Salesforce loading slowly

    1. Note: have input several fixes for this issue, and are continuing to make additional updates

  3. Blank Omnibar or Omnibar loading slowly

  4. Email logging: DOCTYPE error

  5. Name and Related To fields not loading records

  6. Self-open notifications being triggered when you open your own email (See related article on Email Tracking Permissions)

Email Account or Salesforce Account Disconnections

From time to time, your Groove extension will get disconnected from either your email account, your Salesforce account, or both. This can happen due to:

  • A password change

  • A policy change or settings change from your admins

  • A short session length setting in Salesforce

  • API issues or outages from Google, Microsoft 365, or Salesforce

When your account is disconnected, you'll notice that Groove tells you that we've lost connection with your account, within whichever page you're working in:

If Omnibar is not open, you'll see a banner at the top of the page:

If Omnibar is open, you'll see an error in Omnibar:

Additionally, you'll see the Groove features on the page disabled until you reconnect:

After you've reconnected, Groove automatically runs a health check on your account to make sure you're all set:

What can I do if my browser is running slowly with the extension installed?

There are many factors at play when you are using Chrome extensions, such as the Chrome version, OS version, IT/network settings, how many tabs you have open, what other extensions you are using, and others.

The Groove extension is built with a significant emphasis on a fast and smooth experience for users; however, in some cases, there are conflicts between all these different pieces working together on your laptop, and can cause your browser to slow down.

  • If you do notice this, you can reset your extension you can go to your extensions page, toggle your extension off, and toggle it back on:

  • If you notice that your browser is consistently running slowly, it is possible that there is something specific set up in your environment that is causing the lag. If this is the case, please reach out to

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